


Blog posts : "best crm mobile app"

Switch to SuiteCRM Mobile App Now

“One technology year is equivalent to 4 human years” - says a popular quote for IT advancements. While we were still at the debate whether a CRM is an integral tool for small to medium enterprises, we have a new vertical knocking on the door. A CRM Mobile App.
Screenshot from 2018-01-31 17-44-15 
The ERPs and…

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5 Vital Reasons to Make Mobile CRM a Part of Your Business System!

Business competitions scale new heights every day! Better customer service can keep you stay ahead of the curve in this situation. You can take help from the CRM system to offer a more personalized experience to your customers.

But then, how would you access and manage the CRM system on the move …

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The Drastic Violet Shift of CRM Apps Towards Mobile Platform

In less than a decade, Steve Job’s first iPhone gave birth to a new phenomenon. First came the iOS, followed by the Android. Together, they routed the Symbian, Java and everyone else. It certainly made a huge difference to our lives. More so, it made a huge difference to how we exchange informatio…

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3 blog posts